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How it works:

From any computer with an internet connection you can take the workshop. The online website where you will take the workshop is designed in 3D to make the sessions more exciting and communicate the workshop in an unprecedented immersive way:

You can choose the chapters you want to learn when you want to learn them.

After a tiny download you will land at the Peace City Airport.

Helicopters will await you to take you to the workshop sign in.

You will be taken to tropical paradise where you will learn how easy it is to participate in the workshop.

You will get a space in our convention hotel where you can keep your notes.

Various spaces are designed to make your workshop as comfortable as possible.

Next you will be flown by helicopter to the Peace City Mountain Resort where you will learn in a fun way one of the chapters.

Next you will be taken to Hawaii where the foundation of success is taught in a very engaging way.

Next you will be taken to an organic farm where you will learn how to make your body ready for success.

Next you will be taken to the Peace City Aquarium where you will learn to avoid swimming with the sharks.

Next you will learn about practical ways to organize your time, tasks and meetings at the Green Global Office.

Next you will be flown to the Peace City Television Station to see others talking about challenges they face on their path to success.


See a short film about 3 simple steps you can take to enhance your success.

Egyptian Plaza





Visit the Peace City Castle Of Dreams and the Obstacle dungeon.


Visit the Library Of the Founder Of Peace City and get into the world's first 3D Book.


Learn about time management in the Towers of Time.

Visit the 7 secrets in the form of an art exhibit.

Get your picture taken back at Peace City Television Studios. 


Get a VIP tour to the offices of the founder and the makers of Peace City.







Take a FREE VIP Tour to Peace City and the Virtual Office conference center where your workshop will conducted* select ONLY virtual reality offices.

You can win if you want !

Join The Winners Club



Business Success



College Success



Life Success



Personal Success



School Success






















































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