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The YOU CAN WIN melody decoded

You can win if you want
It's just a matter of time 
it just depends on you
Peace City can win if we want
It's just a matter of time 
depends on you and me
You can win if you want

Actual Notes used in song:
Chorus Decoded By Musical Notes:



Lyrics: You can win if you want

Notes: aaagac



Lyrics: Its just a matter of time

Notes: cdcddcd




Lyrics:  it just depends on you

Notes: cdcdce



Lyrics:  Peace City can win if we want

Notes: aaagac



Lyrics:  It's just a matter of time

Notes: cdcddcd



Lyrics:  depends on you and me

Notes: cdcdge

Aspirations Lyrics:  You can win if you want

Notes: aagg gis a

Steps to success: Alternate meaning of notes in the song:

A aspirations
G guts
C challenges
D dreams
G gratitude
E efforts
A aspirations
G gut
C challenges
D determination
G gratitude
E excellence

Song in A minor Song is written in A minor
When kids are born they are born as with undamped aspirations, not stifled or discouraged dreams and unlimited beliefs.
All talents can be developed and improved using the sequence of steps above.

You can win if you want !

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